
He Got The Whole World In His Hands - Marian Anderson

你厭倦了 Vitas 鬼魅般、雌雄莫辨的高音了嗎?這裡與您分享這首由 女低音 Marian Anderson 所演唱的靈歌,一樣讓你有雌雄莫辨的感覺..

He Got The Whole World In His Hands

參考用歌詞,網路上有好多版本,常常把上帝手中的東西給置換了 :P 不過應該還好啦!都聽得懂。這裡的是參考 Wiki

He's got the whole world in his hands [Repeat 4x]

He's got the wind and the rain in His hands [Repeat 3x]

He's got the whole world in his hands

He's got the sun and the moon in His hands. [Repeat 3x]

He's got the little bitty baby in his Hands. [Repeat 3x]

He's got you and me Brother in his hands. [Repeat 3x]

He's got everybody here in his hands. [Repeat 3x]

指揮家托斯卡尼尼曾讚嘆為:「百年僅見的歌唱家」的瑪麗安.安德遜(Marian Anderson)莊嚴慎重的女低音撼動人心,收錄三十一首聖歌,曲曲訴諸聽眾的靈魂深處。安德森是首位登上大都會歌劇院的黑人歌手,也在甘迺迪總統就職典禮上獻唱,甚至成為廢除人種差別運動的象徵。這是她在引退之前的錄音。這是在談到黑人靈魂樂時是絕對不可忘記、永遠不滅的名歌唱專輯。

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